Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Chest Pain More Condition_symptoms Middle Chest Pain Radiating To Left Side, More And Past Problems?

Middle Chest pain radiating to left side, more and past problems? - chest pain more condition_symptoms

I am 14 years and a few days ago I woke up and I was in a period usually lasts 3-4 days. The strange thing is that this was a strange pain in the bones in the middle of the chest. He felt pain or bruising on my bones. That is now about 3 days. He also feels like a tightening sensation and sometimes radiates to the left. Sometimes when I sit it is going well, but the second I get back I feel the pain / stiffness. I feel as though some streets in the throat and cough, if I do not really need. In some ways Somethimes clog or something in my left side. Perhaps my heart? BTW weigh about 105 pounds or more.

I also had acid reflux and swelling that lasted a month 3-4 months. I, too, always has a runny nose, neck and back, but my nose is not very stuffy in the rule. Only when I am ill. I have never been to doctors for reflux / or mucus.

I hope you will not forget what's important in May =)

1 comment:

  1. The best advice we can give is, go see a doctor. The tightness in the chest and all this together is a good reason to go see a doctor will not advise you in this case very well when it comes to self-diagnosis. Be smart and tell your parents or someone who can help you to appraisal. If for some reason someone does not help you arrange a date and go for the care of school to school and explain what you feel.
